Acc No :642
Object : Dwarapalaka
Material : Granite
Measurements (cms) : 138 x 42 x 16
Period : Vijayanagara
Provenance : Hampi

A door jamb depicting a two armed Dwarapalaka in padavastika posture. The left hand is held in kati hasta mudra while the right hand rests on the shaft of the mace which is placed on the pedestal. The figure wears a karandamukuta (crown resembling a basket) on the head with other ornaments like haras(necklace), ears has possibly sarpa kundala(earrings design of snake) or makara kundala (earrings design in shape of crocodile), keyura (armlets), kankana(bracelets), katibandha (waistband), nupur (anklets) and urdhava pundra (Vaishnava emblem) mark on the forehead.