Acc No : 659
Object : Lakshmi Narasimha
Material : Granite
Measurements (cms) : 74 x 54 x 28
Period : Vijayanagara
Provenance : Hampi

Sculpture of seated four-armed Narasimha with Lakshmi. Narasimha holds the lower right hand in abhaya mudra. The upper right and left hands hold chakra (discus) and shankha (conch) respectively. The god embraces the Devi with his lower left hand that rests on her waist. The Devi is seated on Narasimha’s left thigh. She holds Padma (lotus) in her left hand while her right hand embraces  the  lord.  The  gods  wear kiritamukuta  (conical  crown)  and  are adorned with ornaments like hara (necklaces), kundalas (earrings), kankana (bracelets), katibandha (waistband) and mala (garland). A simple prabhavali can be seen. The lower right hand and the mouth of Narasimha are chipped.