Acc No : 448
Object : Uma Maheshwara
Material : Granite
Measurements (cms) : 68 x 52 x 21
Period : Vijayanagara
Provenance : Gopuram

A sculpture depicting Uma-Maheshwara seated in lalitasana posture. Uma, the consort of Maheshwara is seated to his left on the same pedestal. Both deities have four arms each, holding khadga (sword) on the lower right hand, damaru (drum) on the upper right hand, trisula (trident) on the upper left hand and patra (bowl) on the lower left hand. They are adorned with hara (necklace), jatamukuta (matted crown), keyura (armlets), nupur (anklets). Maheshwara wears upavita (sacred thread) and Uma wears chakrakundalas (round earrings).