Acc No : 144
Object : Venkatesha
Material : Granite
Measurements (cms) : 76 x 51 x 23
Period : Vijayanagara
Provenance : Hampi Bazaar
A four armed standing Venkatesha holding the chakra (discus) and the shankha (conch) in the upper right and left hands respectively. The lower left hand is held in kati hasta mudra while the lower right hand and parts below the thighs are broken. The deity wears jatamukuta (matted crown), haras (necklace), ratnakundala (earrings design of gem), kankana (bracelets), keyura (armlet), upavita (sacred thread), katibandha (waistband), nupur (anklets). The prabhavali has a kirtimukha sign above the head of the deity with creeper design in the sides.