SL.NO | Name of the Monument and work | Main Items of work executed | Status of work completed/in Progress |
1 | Repairs to Manmatha Honda (Lokapavani Tank) | Dismantling and restoration of Lokapavani Tank etc., complete. | Work completed |
2 | Excavated Remains to North of Mint (Veera Harihararaya Palace) at Kamalapur | Restoration of fallen structural remains, coping with lime mortar, pointing the stone joints, Laying lime concrete as per old available clues | Work completed |
3 | SooleBhavi at Malapanagudi | Attending pointing the stone joints, laying lime concrete, plastering with lime mortar and laying new granite stone flooring in the missing places* | Work completed |
4 | Excavated Remains to Shri Krishnadevaraya Palace at Kamalapur | Restoration of fallen structural remains, coping with lime mortar, pointing the stone joints, Laying lime concrete as per old available clues* | Work Completed |
5 | Pattabhirama Temple at Kamalapur | Restoration of out plumb mandapa by dismantling and resetting replacing the missing stones members with new blocks, water tightening the terrace, Reconstruction of fallen veneer stone wall and laying new granite stone flooring in the missing places | Work Completed |
6 | Sri Virupaksha Temple at Hampi | Attending repairs to the stucco figures in nitch, lime punning the entire complex, repairs to wooden doors, plastering the roof top, dismantling and restoration of fortification wall and exposing the ancient ground level. | Work Completed |
7 | Ananthasaya Temple at Ananthasayana Gudi | Restoration of out plumb mandapa by dismantling and resetting replacing the missing stones members with new blocks, Reconstruction of fallen veneer stone wall, removing undulated stone flooring and laying stone flooring and exposing the ancient working level. | Work Completed |
8 | Maintenance of Mohammedan Tomb and Darga on the road to Hospet from Kadirampuram | Attending pointing the stone joints, laying lime concrete, plastering with lime mortar, attending repairs to the Roof top, Painting the grill fencing | Work Completed |
9 | Narasimha Temple at Krishnapuram | Restoration of out plumb veneering wall by dismantling and resetting replacing the missing stones members with new blocks, laying new granite stone flooring in the missing places, Exposing the ancient working level | Work Completed |
10 | Badavilinga Temple at Krishnapuram | Expose the ancient working level, attending the pointing work to the brick gopura with lime mortar, diverting the channel by earthwork excavation, laying bed concrete and construction of uncoursed rubble stone masonry. | Work Completed |
11 | Sri Virupaksha Temple North of Bazaar at Hampi | Earthwork excavation to expose the ancient working level, dismantling the accretionary wall, restoration of out of plumb mandapa and laying weathering course to the roof | Work Completed |
12 | Parvathi and Karthikeya Temple at Sandur | Restoration ofgopura with lime mortar, repairs to the decayed wooden members, laying lime concrete and laying new stone flooring in the missing places. | Work Completed |
13 | South East Watch Tower in Zananan Enclosure | Providing apron all-round the monument. | Work Completed |
14 | Guards House in Zanana Enclosure (Treasury Building) at Kamalapur | Applying lime mortar to outer side of the monument and providing apron all-round the monument. | Work Completed |
15 | KadalekaluGanesha Temple at Hampi | Laying of stone slabs and restoration of retaining wall | Work Completed |
16 | Queens Bath at Kamalapur | Applying lime mortar on top of the Queens bath and providing pathway in the garden in front of the monument. | Work Completed |
17 | Chandrasekara Temple at Kamalapur | Removal of size stone masonry/brick masonry, dismantling and restoration of the veneering wall etc., complete | Work Completed |
18 | Group of Jaina temple, Hampi | Careful earth work excavation to expose the ancient working level, Dismantling and restoration of the out of plumb, roof slabs, beam, capital, pillars etc., | Work Completed |
19 | Repairs to Utsava Mantapa and Sub shrine VittalaTemple | Careful earth work excavation to expose the ancient working level, Dismantling and restoration of the out of plumb, roof slabs, beam, capital, pillars etc. Removal and relaying undulated flouring slabs | Work Completed |
20 | Repairs to Mantapa on south Side of the Vittala Temple at Venkatapura (2019-20) | Careful earth work excavation to expose the ancient working level, Dismantling and restoration of the out of plumb, roof slabs, beam, capital, pillars etc., | Work is in Progress |
21 | Repairs to brick Gopuras Vittala Temple complex At Venkatapura (2019-20) | Attending the pointing work to the Brick gopura with lime mortar (1:1) and racking out joints of various depth ranging from 5 cm to 8 cm and fitting the joints for facilitating the flow of rain water and to prevent to growth vegetation on the structural remains, grouting the cracks in lime based gradate mixed (1:1) with addssive materials, dismantling and resetting of the undulated flooring slabs. | Work is in Progress |
22 | Sabha Mantapa & sub shrine At Virupaksha Temple at Hampi (2019-20) | Removal of Cement concrete over the flooring slabs, Careful Removal of props, steps and Brick masonry and platforms constructed in size stone masonry, Dismantling and restoration of the out of plumb, roof slabs, beam, capital, pillars (work to be attended) | Work is in Progress |
23 | Virupaksha Temple South of Bazar at Hampi (2019-20) | Careful earth work excavation to expose the ancient working level, Dismantling and restoration of the out of plumb, roof slabs, beam, capital, pillars etc., (work to be attended) | Work is in Progress |
24 | Virupaksha Temple North of Bazaar at Hampi for the year 2019-20 | Careful earth work excavation to expose the ancient working level, Dismantling and restoration of the out of plumb, roof slabs, beam, capital, pillars etc.,(work to be attended) | Work is in Progress |
25 | Bhimas Gate way near GanagittiJaina Temple at Kamalapur | Removal and restoration of architectural members of the entrance gate, back filling the enclosure wall, providing missing new roof slabs and laying weather proof course etc., complete (work to be attend) | Work Yet to be Start |
26 | Restoration of Jaina temple with inscriptions north east of Elephants Stable complex at Kamalapur | Removal of existing dead lime concrete, removal and restoration of roof slabs, beams, capitals etc., providing missing roof slabs and fresh granite stone beams, capital and pillar, laying Weather proof course and scientific clearance etc., complete. | Work Yet to be Start |
27 | Walls Gate ways of Zanana Enclosure at Kamalapur | Collecting of fallen/collapsed Enclosure wall members and stocking the same for reuse, removal and restoration of enclosure wall with core filling in lime mortar etc., complete. | Work Yet to be Start |
28 | Ahmed Shah Wali Tomb, Ashtur, Bidar-2015-16 | 1) Provision for Earth work execution by removing the dead and detoriated damaged weathered lime concrete and average 30 cm thickness 2) Provision for providing and laying lime concrete 1:2 around the monument as apron & platform as per original evidence using 20mm and down size Trap/Granite stone jelly 3) Provision for providing and laying Shahbad stone flooring as per original same to existing ancient Shahbad flooring using heavy stone slab thickness 40 mm to 50 mm. 4) Provision for providing and laying a fresh Lime Mortar in 1:1:2 void filling uneven surface & crack filing Ancient Roof top portion for water tightening and average 30 mm thickness. 5) Provision for removing the undulated/dislodged platform in front of Ahmed Shah Wali Tomb. 6) Provision for Re-Construction of Platform Basement Katta in front of Ahmed Shah Wali tomb. 7) Provision for supporting and core filing wall to veneering wall to basement wall using UCR. 8) Provision for supplying and purchase of work required materials and documentation of work and photo printing charges etc. complete. | Work is in progress |
29 | Fort Bidar (Hazar Kothri), Bidar for the year-2018-19 | 1) Clearing and grubbing road land including uprooting rank vegetation. 2) Provision for Removing the deteriorated and weathered existing roof. 3) Provision for providing grouting the cracks. fissures, voids visible on roof. 4) Provision for providing and laying lime concrete 1:1:1 around the monument. 5) Provision for Reconstruction of collapsed/damaged stone masonry wall. 6) Provision for Removing the deteriorated/ weathered/damaged lime plaster. 7) Provision for providing and laying a fresh Lime Mortar in 1:1:1 void filling. 8) Provision for providing Wall plastering a fresh lime mortar 1:1:1 in two coats. 9) Provision for removing the Fallen debris and carefully dismantling damaged structure. 10) Providing and removing centring, shuttering, strutting, propping etc. | Tender work is in progress. |
30 | ManduDarwaza to Mandu Burj Phase-I, Bidar for the year-2018-19 | 1) Clearing and grubbing road land including uprooting rank vegetation. 2) Provision for erecting and dismantling double scaffolding for the construction of Fort Wall. 3) Provision for clearance of Fallen debris and stacking the useful Materials. 4) Provision for providing and Re-construction of fallen platform/ Ramp part. 5) Provision for supporting and core filing wall to veneering basement Wall. 6) Provision for providing and laying lime concrete 1:1:1 around the monument. 7) Provision for providing pointing in Lime Mortar 1:1:1 void filling. 8) Provision for supplying and purchase of work required materials and documentation of work and photo printing charges. 9) Provision for providing new M.S grills as per the approved design to the open arches at various places at Fort. | Tender work is in progress. |
31 | Improvement of Tourist Amenities at Bidar Fort, Bidar | 1) Improvement of signages (Work is completed) 2) Providing of Benches. 3) Providing of Dust bins. 4) Removal of debris (Work is completed). 5) Repairs to the metal grills, openings, boundary walls and grill paintings (Work is completed). 6) Engaging Conservation Architect to prepare DPR for approved concept plan (Work is completed). | Work is in Progress |
Excavated Remains to North of Mint (Veera Harihararaya Palace) at Kamalapur

Excavated Remains to North of Mint (Veera Harihararaya Palace) at Kamalapur

Repairs to Manmatha Honda (Lokapavani Tank)

SooleBhavi at Malapanagudi

Shri Krishnadevaraya Palace at Kamalapur

Shri Krishnadevaraya Palace at Kamalapur

Shri Krishnadevaraya Palace at Kamalapur

Shri Krishnadevaraya Palace at Kamalapur

Pattabhirama Temple at Kamalapur

Pattabhirama Temple at Kamalapur

Pattabhirama Temple at Kamalapur

Pattabhirama Temple at Kamalapur

Sri Virupaksha Temple at Hampi

Sri Virupaksha Temple at Hampi

Sri Virupaksha Temple at Hampi

Sri Virupaksha Temple at Hampi

Ananthasaya Temple at AnanthasayanaGudi

Maintenance of Mohammedan Tomb and Darga on the road to Hospet from Kadirampuram

Narasimha Temple at Krishnapuram

Badavilinga Temple at Krishnapuram

Sri Virupaksha Temple North of Bazaar at Hampi

Sri Virupaksha Temple North of Bazaar at Hampi

Parvathi and Karthikeya Temple at Sandur
